2016 - Published Eden Cooking School Demonstrators' Recipes, First Edition, Toronto, on February 29 |
2012 - Began researching and presenting on health questions |
2010-2016 - Coordinated and demonstrated at the Eden Cooking School in Toronto |
2004 - Completed and mounted information providing web page
- Commenced lecturing on "The Colour Code" summer of 2004 - Conceived and organized WEBb's BNI Adventure Afternoon networking event - Attained accreditation as certified Vegetarian Cooking School Instructor - Director, Religious Liberties, Kingsview Village Church |
2003 - Director, Health and Temperance Department, Kingsview Village Church - Revision of the Do You Know publication series - Publication of "The Power of Personal Penmanship" in the BIG BOOK - Received BNI's Master Networker Award |
2002 - Publication of "New Home Construction" why you need a lawyer, Toronto Business Times, June 2002 - Received BNI's MVP Award [Most Valuable Player] BNI Chapter Award of Excellence |
2001 - Director, Communications Department, and Church Clerk, Kingsview Village |
2000 - Trekked Antarctica and Easter Island and conclusion of the 7 Continents, 7 Oceans, Millennium around-the-world cruise and return to Toronto and law practice reinvigorated |
1999 - Commencement of travel sabbatical on the 7 Continents, 7 Oceans, Millennium around-the-world cruise |
1998 - Offered e-mail communication with clients - Commenced feeding the homeless, religious liberties, and nursing home visitation programme |
1997 - Established new law in civil procedure in Lochwin v. Wasserman - see Explanatory Notes on Reported Cases 9, and the listing under Business Law, Corporate & Commercial, Trials and Civil Litigation |
1996 - Mounting of law practice's first web page |
1995 - Established new law in family law in Orzeck v. Orzeck, which clarifyies the parental obligation to pay child support to or for a child over the age of majority, who was not in communication with the parent - see Explanatory Notes on Reported Cases 10, and the listing under Family Law and Civil Litigation |
Reported Cases
Areas of Law Considered in this case: - Public Access to Records - Civil procedure - Appeals - Rules of Civil Procedure - Rules of Practice(Ont.) - Judicature Act - Courts of Justice Act, 1984(Ont.)
Howes v. Accountant of the Supreme Court of Ontario et al. (1986) 58 O.R. (2d) 345 (S.C.C.); (1984) 49 O.R. (2d) 121 (C.A.) and [1984] O.J. No. 1474.
I represented the Accountant of the Supreme Court of Ontario in this challenge to his authority to not publish or provide information from his records, to inquiring third parties. Howes was an " heirs locator " who claimed it was the public's right to access the Accountant's records and therefore Howes's right as well under Rules 222,522, 524 and 732 of the Rules of Practice (Ont.) - replaced by Rules 37.13(2); 59.05(1), (2), (3), (5), 73.02(2), (3) of the Rules of Civil Procedure, and under s. 129 of the Judicature Act - now replaced by s 147(3) of the Courts of Justice Act.
Howes wanted the names and addresses on file for the children who had been awarded moneys as minors or infants in court actions. In Ontario, moneys awarded to children under the age of majority are paid into court until the child reaches the age of majority. Although the court files relating to these actions are public and subject to search, the Accountant's records, to that point in time, had been restricted from public viewing.
In the late afternoon on the New Year's Eve before Rule 732 of the Ontario Rules of Practice governing the Accountant was to be changed, I was in court arguing this case before Mr. Justice Maloney. My arguments were based on the best interests of children and the supervisory jurisdiction of the courts relating to children's best interests, privacy, and public interest. My arguments on behalf of the Accountant of the Supreme Court of Ontario prevailed before Mr. Justice Maloney. Howes appealed this case all the way up the appellate ladder through to and including the Supreme Court of Canada. My arguments on behalf of the Accountant of the Supreme Court of Ontario were accepted by each of the successive reviewing appellate courts.
Eden Cooking School's blog features cutting edge vegan/vegetalien health information, product reviews and information sessions for persons interested in vegan cooking and lifestyle.
Linda Kolyn, LL.B. Barrister & Solicitor
Bloor Islington Place
3280 Bloor Street West Suite 1140
11th Floor, Centre Tower
Toronto Ontario M8X 2X3
Tel: 416-236-8746 Fax: 416-236-9745